Chuyện nhặng xị gì về hình thể người Mỹ ấy nhỉ
By LZ Granderson, CNN Contributor
LZ Granderson |
Editor's note: LZ
Granderson is a CNN contributor, a senior writer for ESPN and a lecturer
at Northwestern University. He is a former Hechinger Institute fellow
and his commentary has been recognized by the Online News Association,
the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Lesbian
and Gay Journalists Association. Follow him on Twitter @locs_n_laughs. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
Lời biên tập viên: LZ Granderson là cộng tác viên của CNN, một tay viết kỳ cựu của ESPN và một giảng viên tại đại học Northwestern. Anh là cựu hội viên viện Hechinger và những bình luận của anh được sử dụng bởi Hiệp hội quốc gia các nhà báo da đen và Hiệp hội quốc gia các nhà báo đồng tính nữ và đồng tính nam. Theo dõi thêm các bài viết của anh ở Twitter @locs_n_laughs. Những ý kiến thể hiện trong bài bình luận này là của riêng anh.
(CNN) -- Robyn Lawley, an Australian plus-size model, is getting a cyber-standing ovation for posting unretouched and makeup-free
photos of herself
on Facebook in protest against the pathological airbrushing we've grown
accustomed to in professional photography. It's a bold move for the
25-year-old, who was also a vocal critic of the recent Sports
Illustrated swimsuit issue.
Her message to women everywhere is clear: Beauty comes in many sizes.
The problem is, Lawley is not what average people would call plus-size.
plus-size: quá cỡ
a cyber-standing ovation: trào lưu ủng hộ nhiệt tình trên mạng
pathological airbrushing: hội chứng nghiện hiệu chỉnh ảnh (photoshop)
bold move: hành động can đảm
vocal critic: người lớn tiếng phê bình/chỉ trích
In fact, when I initially saw
her unretouched photos,
I kept scrolling through the gallery looking for her unretouched
photos. Her natural beauty is undeniable, but if her body is what the
fashion industry is calling plus size, that world is more screwed up
than we know. Like, seriously, what kind of hallucinogen do you have to
take in order to look at Lawley and think she's on the heavier side? At
worst she looks like a fitness instructor at one of those gyms where the
women show up in full makeup.
An un-retouched image that Australian model Robyn Lawley posted to her Facebook page showed the plus-sized model in a bikini.
I've been to Australia.
There are plus-size women there.
Lawley, for all of her bravery, should not be considered among them.
It's the body image
distortion that crammed her into that category, which, for actual
plus-size women, can't be a good thing. If a size 6, or even 8, 9, or
10, is the industry's idea of a plus-size woman, then how should the
average American woman --
who weighs roughly 165 pounds and wears size 12 or 14 -- describe herself? Morbidly obese?
Of course not, which is
why size designations have been massaged over time. Many women
apparently don't want to know their true size, so what was a size 14 or
16 in the 1950s is an 8 today.
Vanity sizing, they call it.
This ridiculous shell
game is how Lawley, who is a size 12, can be both a plus-size role model
and on the thin side of average at the same time.
hallucinogen: hiện tượng ảo giác
brave (n/adj/v) --> bravery: tính can đảm
distortion: sự sai lệch/biến dạng
cram: nhồi nhét
morbid: bệnh hoạn = pathological
obese: béo/mập = fat
--> morbidly obese: béo phì
designation: sự định nghĩa/ đặt tên
vanity: ảo/không có thực
shell game = thimblerig/ three shell and a pea/ old army game: trò chơi đoán hạt trong vỏ (thường là lừa đảo)
And while this
sickeningly unrealistic idea of what we should look like is something
mainly inflicted on women, men are not immune.
The receding hairline of England's Prince William was
infamously resurrected as an issue on a 2010 cover of Hello magazine. Tennis great Andy Roddick's
arm grew by 10 inches for his 2007 Men's Fitness cover. Cosmopolitan compiled a
hilarious gallery of Photoshopped male celebrities like Jon Hamm next to pictures of how they actually look.
Earlier this year male model CJ Richards,
talking about photo enhancement, said,
"Why would you watch a movie without special effects? You understand
that this isn't real. There's Photoshop in magazines and special effects
in movies. I mean, it happens. So accept it and know that this is
actually a real person underneath all of the computerized effects that
they're adding in."
Fair enough. But then recall the
fat-shaming of Prince Fielder after he posed nude in ESPN the Magazine's Body Issue. Or notice such things as the
increase in steroid use among young men;
global sales of male toiletries other
than shaving products surpassing purchase of shaving products for the
first time; and popularity of the painful sounding "Brozilian" waxes.
That's when you see it's not just women who are spending money and
risking their health to try to look like a picture in a magazine.
So, while it's puzzling
that Lawley is considered plus-size, I guess we can say good for her for
putting herself out there a bit. In an industry with such crazy ideas
about what's fat, it's brave, I suppose, to put on a bikini and publish
an unedited photo. Hopefully the attention she draws will shed light on
how stupid it is to listen an industry that labeled her plus-size/fat in
the first place.
inflict on = tác động lớn
receding hairline: mái tóc ngắn
to be infamously resurrected: làm sống lại một cách lố lăng (làm đen (tóc) một cách thái quá)
hilarious=jaunty: vui nhộn/hài hước
steroid: hoóc môn giới tính
shed light: làm tỏa sáng/ làm rõ